We would like to take this opportunity to invite your esteem company to participate as a Sponsor for Runway Week what’s in there for your company or business? Sponsoring and Co-sponsoring Couture Runway Week will allow your business to advertise your company, services and exhibit your products and services to a community and across social media nation and worldwide! Couture Runway Week offers to you and your company three possibilities/involvement in order to promote you and your business with us: 1) Sponsor, 2) Partnership, and 3) In-kind Service!

Your openhanded sponsorship shall be highlighted in our announcements during promotions as well as your/ organizations name would be placed on our official website and to our participating members during the inauguration of the event itself. You and any other representatives of your esteem company would be most welcome to attend so that we could thank you personally for your support.

 The show presents 3 levels of sponsorship, both large and small so you can opt for the level of participation that best convene your needs. We look forward to working with you to ensure a mutually advantageous planned partnership for a long-term.

*Sponsor is a person or an organization that pays for or plans and carries out a project or activity in return for advertising time during its course.

**Partnership is a relationship that involves a close cooperation between parties having specified and joint rights and responsibilities. Interested partners shall discuss his/her involvement with The Founder and Producer!

***In-kind Service is given in goods, commodities, or services instead of money. Any service(s)/ item(s) that can be used for gifts items such as a company merchandise, service, jewelry, art, gift certificates, gift cards, wine, autographed merchandise, roses, teddy bears, monetary donations, or etc. Interested In-kind Service partners shall discuss his/her involvement with The Founder and Producer!